Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Project 4 - Mixer, Filters, and XY Controller

In order to create this dark, eerie tune I started with drums and drenched them in a wide, bodied reverb which adds the darker overtone. I made the beat really simple so the sounds didn't run together since the echo drags on longer. I then recorded a clean guitar and added a chorus effect which again added to the eeriness by making it more "wet". The bridge is where I switched over to a synth and utilized the filter with an XY controller on the high pass and low pass controls . The Pitch Modulation is very rapid so it makes the synth sound like its underwater, gasping for air. As it swims up a clean guitar pans around it surrounding the poor little synth. As it finally reaches the surface of the water, the regular chorus guitar comes back in and I play a simple little solo (I use the "Hardcore" plugin in the mixer to create the distortion) that will eventually get faded out using an automation clip on the master.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the effects you used on the drums to make them sound distant. Your post is also really descriptive which is great!
