Friday, March 30, 2012

Project 6 - ASDR

For this project I started by making a sound in Poizone which I utilized an automation clip on the attack to kind of "fade in" the sound. What I was really doing was decreasing the time it takes for the sound to reach its peak so eventually the sound it more poppy than it is sweepy. The sound I made captures a rather playful atmosphere and at the end of that line I use an automation clip to increase the sustain and decay of the synth which adds more body behind it and allows it to ring out. I then use this same sound to completely change the feel, partly due to gross beat which causes a pitch drop at the end of the little phrase. The drums come in and make the piece much more of a dance groove as the bass and my other synth comes in.I keep the same playful synth in the mix to keep a connection between the two parts. For the end I use more gross beat and mess around with the pitch as the last note plunges and then blasts out of the song.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Project 5 - PoiZone

For this project I had to make my own sound in Poizone. I started with a rather clean, warm, and rounded sound in my head and finally achieved this. I then played with some delay and found a nice balance in the panning which added a cool effect. The bass really comes in and grounds the synth to keep everything balanced. I then go into the main section and I wanted it to sound big and dreamy. With some more tweaks in another poizone track, I was able to achieve this sound as well. I will admit, I had trouble coming up with a good drum beat that really captured the essence. I worked at this for a while and finally got what I was looking for. I felt that the "crash" cymbal sounded nice in context and added to the size of sound. For the end I wanted to go back to the intro because it serves as a good rest area, or cool down.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Project 4 - Mixer, Filters, and XY Controller

In order to create this dark, eerie tune I started with drums and drenched them in a wide, bodied reverb which adds the darker overtone. I made the beat really simple so the sounds didn't run together since the echo drags on longer. I then recorded a clean guitar and added a chorus effect which again added to the eeriness by making it more "wet". The bridge is where I switched over to a synth and utilized the filter with an XY controller on the high pass and low pass controls . The Pitch Modulation is very rapid so it makes the synth sound like its underwater, gasping for air. As it swims up a clean guitar pans around it surrounding the poor little synth. As it finally reaches the surface of the water, the regular chorus guitar comes back in and I play a simple little solo (I use the "Hardcore" plugin in the mixer to create the distortion) that will eventually get faded out using an automation clip on the master.