Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Project 8 - Dubstep

This was a very challenging project for me. The intro however, came out pretty easily. I started with an arpeggiated sound in Poizone and then used a frequency filter to create a long, sweeping effect. The then introduced a sound from Sawer as the scene his a little more heavier. I build this up which leads tot he drop where I took the Sawer sound and drop the pitch into the floor using an automation clip. Now the main theme of the song comes in which a sub bass, wobble bass, and half time drums. The wobble bass was thickened up with a filter and fed some character via overdrive. It was then linked to my controller which I used to record the automation of the wobble. The higher register part was created using  another Poizone sound and was run through Gross Beat. This is where it got hard for me. I had to try and match up certain gross beat activity with the video. Part of the trouble was figuring out what gross beat actually does because the entire character of the setting can drastically change with slight modification. I was eventually able to make a laser beam sound, a laser gun sound, and the fall of the AT-AT Walker. For explosions I used a setting in Sytrus called reactor which I modified a slight bit, based on what was exploding (Ground compared to Walker). All in all, I am pretty satisfied with what I was able to accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Dom, I like the sound effects very much. i think you got the idea of gross Beat, and the dubstep style bass wobble. Aligning audio events to video events creates a unique challenge, and you managed to create a piece that works well with the video as well as a piece that can stand along without video.
